Wanting to adopt a puppy represents a big change in one’s life and it deserves some thoughts on the questions to ask before adopting: what to buy, and what to teach him so that the little puppy becomes a future adult well in his paws and balanced.
Puppies, these little balls of hair that make more than one person fall in love with them!
And yet, despite their cute faces, it is necessary to think carefully before taking the plunge (just like the adoption of an adult, which must also be carefully thought out).
Why do you want to adopt a puppy? This is a very serious question to ask yourself before you adopt. Adopting a puppy is a real commitment over a minimum of ten years (or more depending on the breed). It is therefore necessary to be well prepared on the future management of his daily life and future vacations with a new individual, and this despite the potential changes that there may be in a life: moving, arrival of a baby, change of spouse, veterinary expenses, etc. These are things that can happen and the little puppy in question does not have to suffer from these changes because he will not have asked anything from anyone. Don’t hesitate to put everything down on paper. You can take a big blank piece of paper and write down the “pros” and “cons” to really take stock of the situation.
Adopt or buy? This is a thorny issue that is still a hot topic today. Many people banish breeding and only talk about adopting from a shelter because, by adopting a dog from a shelter, we save two dogs because it frees up space for another dog. This is indeed true, but there are few puppies in shelters and they tend to leave quickly. Taking a puppy from a kennel (if the kennel is correctly chosen: few breeders, genetic and health tests carried out, socialized puppies, etc.) will be a guarantee of quality and safety when it comes to the balance of your little protégé.
Be careful with the different papers that the kennel will provide you with: Certificate of sale, veterinary certificate of good health, health record, birth certificate and the dog’s identification document (obligatory in France) provided by the ICAD (it is the National Identification File of Domestic Carnivores in France.) It is also necessary to ask yourself the question of what temperament/breed do you want? If you are a great sportsman, you will avoid advising you a pug for example which is not the most active dog in the world. Learn about the different breeds of dogs so you don’t get confused. Cynotopia has published a very interesting book on the different breeds of dogs: Choose your dog better.
The financial aspect. Deciding to adopt a puppy represents a small and important budget. You will have to think about different elements that we will list here:
– The purchase of the puppy
– Vaccinations
– Flea and deworming products
– Water and food bowls
– The food
– The chewing activity (-5€ discount on your first order on the Canigourmand website with the promo code NATUREDECHIEN)
– A transport cage for the car
– A basket
– Toys (stuffed animals, ropes, balls, games of occupation, etc…)
– A collar/harness/leash/lanyard
– A brush, claw cutter, tick remover, first aid kit
– A muzzle for transport
– Treats
(This is a non-exhaustive list, you can vary it according to your desires)
Having the time to take care of your puppy is essential. A puppy is not an inanimate stuffed animal that sleeps 24 hours a day. In spite of their young age, puppies are very active little beings who will need to spend time and go outside (I’m not saying to go on a 4-hour hike with a 2-month-old puppy). Young or adult, the needs must be properly met but we will come back to this point below. If you have a job that keeps you busy all day from 8am to 7pm, do you have friends or family that can come and look after him and take him out so that it is not too long for him, etc.?
House or apartment? We still hear a lot of people who advise against adopting a puppy if you live in an apartment. In fact, a puppy in an apartment can blossom and live happily if his daily outings are present and if his owner takes good care of him. Just as having a large house with a garden is not necessarily a guarantee of well-being because the puppy may never leave his home under the pretext that he has a garden. If you want more information on this point, do not hesitate to see our article: HOUSE OR APARTMENT FOR OUR DOG.
Now that you have fallen in love with your little puppy, let’s see how to organize his house and how to manage the arrival of this little puppy at home:
Don’t let him sleep alone. We still see too often this advice which is: “let him cry at night, he will get used to it”. Why not? The puppy has lived all his early life with his mother and his siblings: he slept with them, ate with them, etc. And he leaves all his landmarks for the first time. If you leave him crying in the garage or living room to “sleep it off”, the puppy will only learn that his cries for help in order to be secured will be in vain and he will resign himself. The negative mental impact this has on the puppy is enormous and can make him anxious for his future life.
You can totally make the puppy sleep with you, or in your room the first few nights so that he gets used to his new life, and gradually move the sleeping area away from you day by day. You should also know that sleeping with your dog will not develop separation anxiety later on (it is a combination of elements that can create this disorder), so if you want to sleep with your puppy/dog, don’t hold back!
Let your puppy discover your home at his ease and accompany him if he is too intimidated at first. Show him the different important places like the water and kibble bowls, his basket, his toy box, etc.
Cleanliness: A puppy does not yet have the physical ability to hold himself for long periods during the first weeks of his life. The outings should be strategic: when he wakes up in the morning or after a nap (even for 10 minutes), after playing with him, and just after meals. Praise the puppy well when he does his business outside, even if it means going overboard. Environmental changes can also cause accidents. You have to accept it and adapt. The paper towel will become your best friend for a while. If he does it inside, you can put him outside without getting upset and clean up in his absence (do not use bleach because the dog may come back to this area). NEVER punish because the puppy may hold back in front of his human for fear of punishment, or even eat his excrement. Being patient is the key to potty training because it is the longest learning process (in principle). Don’t forget that biological maturity and control of his sphincters will only come around at 6 months. Patience, indulgence and constancy are the key words to have a clean puppy.
You can also think about chewing activity for your puppy. A puppy will lose his teeth quickly to make room for permanent teeth, (like a baby) and this can cause him dental pain that he will try to soothe by chewing on soft elements that he will find around him (the legs of your table for example). In order to prevent this kind of inconvenience, you can give him something to chew on by buying chewing items adapted to a young puppy whose teeth are still fragile. Remember that a puppy eats 3 times a day for the first few months of his life. At around 6 months of age, you can change to 2 times a day, and it will be possible to change to once a day once he’s grown up (but this decision is up to you, there is no obligation on the feeding rhythm once he’s an adult).
When you adopt a puppy, you want him to be obedient, clean and above all, to learn quickly the educational basics.
A sit followed by a step move for 20 meters and a perfect heel walk? This is not necessarily the top priority to start with.
Developing autonomy and managing emotions are the pillars of a puppy’s education in order to be an adult who is well off.
Positional training such as sit and down can be interesting in learning situations such as calmness before opening a door for example.
It is also important to know how to adapt according to the place so that Titou doesn’t have a hard time with the different changes that can happen in life. And this is done by trusting you above all.
Developing the socialization of your puppy is also part of the basics in order to maintain the social codes and contribute to his well-being. And yes, a puppy must continue to see other people for his balance.
Teaching a walk on a leash without pulling, natural tracking and recall are essential elements in order to have a good time outdoors and in complete safety.
But the most important thing is to try to develop the bond between you and your puppy through positive associations and as little punishment as possible.
The educational foundation will automatically be built on this relationship of trust.
The educational needs vary according to each person and also according to their desires. Some will want to teach their puppy tricks, while others will prefer to focus on a great outdoor recall.
It’s also important to teach the dog to positively respond to different treatments such as brushing, nail clipping or even visits to the vet. Learning to use a carrier can also be a huge bonus as your dog may be immobilized for various reasons, such as being transported by car or hospitalized.
But let’s not forget that a puppy doesn’t learn in a snap of the fingers and that he doesn’t have all the rules engraved in him from birth.
We won’t ask him to be perfect in front of 10 other dogs or to hold back for 10 hours in a row from the first days of his arrival.
Kindness, patience and consistency are the key elements to move forward serenely and with respect for your puppy so that he starts his life on the right foot!