dog eats grass

This question comes up very often because it remains a mystery to many dog owners: Purge? Boredom-related toc? As with any behavior, you should be concerned if your dog does this excessively to the point of illness. A dog that eats grass may do so for a variety of reasons that we will list here.


Pica is a disease that leads the dog to swallow grass, but also other elements such as stones, plastic, dirt, etc. Everything will go through it, even if it is not edible and the consequences of this disorder can be disastrous, even fatal unfortunately. Know that a young puppy can put a lot of elements in his mouth and it should not be alarmed immediately, as a baby who discovers the world, but it will not swallow the elements compulsively as a dog with pica. The solution is to go see a veterinarian in order to determine the cause of this behavior and who will be able to exclude a health problem which could justify the desire to swallow elements to potentially relieve a stomach ache.

dog eats grass


Just like humans, dogs can have digestive problems, so they would eat grass to make themselves vomit in order to relieve themselves. However, you should know that a stomach ache in a dog can be justified by the presence of intestinal worms, and grass is not a natural dewormer. We advise you to deworm your dog twice a year in order to eliminate all the internal parasites correctly thanks to dewormers found in veterinary clinics or in pharmacies.The risk, by eating grass in excess, is to make these famous parasites come into the dog’s body. The risk of eating too much grass is that the parasites will get into the dog’s body, because the little eggs or parasites are often found on the grass and are not visible to the naked eye, so it is strongly recommended that you stick to your deworming plan if your dog is fond of grass.


Eating grass can also be justified by a fiber deficiency on the part of the dog, which seeks to compensate by swallowing grass in excess.Certain foods that do not meet all the nutritional needs of the dog (those fed only meat without any vegetables can have this behavior).To avoid any long-term health concerns, you can go to your veterinarian and ask for a blood test that will allow you to verify if your dog does not have a deficiency somewhere and act accordingly.

dog eats grass


I once saw a dog who ate grass on a walk because she never went out of the house so much that everything was a discovery for her and even the grass outside was part of it. We also see dogs eating grass because it attracts the attention of their owner who tells them to stop and it becomes a bad habit for the dog. Why does this happen? Simply because the dog associates eating grass with the fact of seeing his master paying attention to him.This behavior can be observed in dogs that do not go out much or that are bored on a daily basis.To conclude, a dog that eats grass occasionally remains a behavior for which one should not be alarmed immediately. On the other hand, if your dog has this behavior all the time, we advise you to go see a veterinarian in order to eliminate any health problem and to contact a dog trainer who will help you to clarify this situation.

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